Memories of a Malaysian holiday

Sunset in Melaka

As the summer drew to a close last year, I decided to take my mother on a little holiday to Malaysia. It was a natural choice of destination as we have family in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city. I asked my father to come along too, but was greeted with a "groan and grumble" attack (i.e. groaning about everything from aching joints and grey hair to an irritable stomach lining). So in the end, it was just my mother (who came with the excitement of a three year old) and me.

We had a great time in Malaysia as we travelled across KL, Melaka and made a short trip to the Perhentian islands. My mother and I both fell in love with Malaysian food. It was comfortably familiar to our Indian palate but also excitingly exotic in parts.

Our first taste of Malaysian food was a hurried meal of spicy mee goreng at a little joint at KL airport. It was a tasty introduction to the national cuisine. Eating out in Malaysia was surprisingly cheap, which we exploited as much as possible.

Pictures from my camera bring back memories of some of the interesting food that we encountered in Malaysia - skewered potato chips and yummy teriyaki chicken at a non-descript roadside restaurant on a rainy evening in Melaka.

The last leg of our journey was a short detour to the Perhentian islands - an excellent mix of serenity and natural beauty. I tried snorkelling for the first time and even managed to convince my mother to have a go at it. Seeing the richness of life underwater in all its magnificent hues is one of the most fantastic experiences I have ever had.
Can't wait to go back to Malaysia.
Potato chips on a stick

Teriyaki chicken

Perhentian islands


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